Meat is an ideal medium for the growth and development of microorganisms. It is also a highly perishable product due to bacterial contamination. As such, they are highly susceptible to a variety of pathogens, including Salmonella, Listeria, and Escherichia coli. These pathogens reside in the gut, and meat can become contaminated during transportation, slaughter and production. In addition, cross-contamination between devices must be handled. Ozone provides a good solution for meat sterilization.
Salmonella is the most common pathogen associated with poultry meat and poultry products. Currently, a combination of heat treatment, water, and chemical antimicrobials such as peracetic acid (PAA) is used during carcass processing to remove or control bacterial contamination. However, these chemical antimicrobials can be toxic before and after oxidation. In addition, these chemicals can affect satisfaction quality because they can produce undesirable color and texture effects and off-flavors. Furthermore, chemical antimicrobials are expensive and have the disadvantage of leaving harmful residues.
Various meat industries use ozone to reduce sanitation and disinfection costs. Ozone is a very powerful and safe disinfectant, 1.5 times more potent and 3000 times more active than chlorine. It is a powerful bactericide with a rapid bacterial inactivation mechanism. Several studies have shown that ozone destroys common meat microbes, parasites and viruses such as mesophilic bacteria and coliforms. In addition, ozone leaves no residue and is a safe and economical disinfection solution. For example, carcasses treated with ozonated water showed lower levels of microorganisms, resulting in improved meat quality and longer shelf life.
Ozone largely eliminates mycotoxins and pathogens in meat products.
Ozone does not leave residues.
Ozone saves money over a longer period of time than any other alternative.
Ozone is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for use in food processing.
Ozone is effective in killing bacteria and pathogens